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Old 08-12-2007, 08:57 PM   #234
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Islander wrote:
Originally Posted by Mee-n-Mac
....Boating is a co-operative venture. I'll do my part by keeping a lookout for other vessels but the other guy must also do his part by making himself visible...
This is the point I have been trying to make all along. Your statement, and the attitude it represents, is simply wrong, wrong, wrong!

By common sense, and by law, a boater is required to be in control of his vessel at all times. You are required to keep a look out at all times. If you can't see where you are going, YOU DON'T GO
Excuse me!!? Is a kayak not a boat? Is a kayak subject to the same navigation law as an 18' powerboat, or a 45' cruiser? YES IT IS!!!!

The kayak:
by law, a boater is required to be in control of his vessel at all times. You are required to keep a look out at all times.
The kayak was able to see the approaching vessel. The kayaker decided to abandon his boat. The kayaker PROBABLY thought the approaching boat with the spotlight was the Marine Patrol looking for unlighted kayakers in the water and rather than face a citation and fine he decided to jump out of his boat and swim away leaving his unlighted kayak floating directly in the path of an on coming boat!

The powerboater is completely vindicated. The kayaker was dead wrong, completely liable and he is lucky that he is not DEAD!
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