Thread: Bears...
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Old 04-18-2007, 12:22 PM   #34
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Default I wouldn't go that far ...

It looks like the bird feeders are going to be put away until late fall.


We always pulled our feeders from April until June - then back out in July - then we pull them Labor Day through late October - then back out at Halloween through the winter. The bears tend to be less active and intrusive in the summer - then come back around in the fall as then begin to prepare to head into hibernation.

We had several bears in our area when we lived in Southwestern NH out by Peterborough. They would take apart our neighbors feeders every spring and again in the fall - and were quite present from April through June - evenings mostly - but on rare occassions in the later morning hours (but that was early April when they were coming down from their mountain caves and dens).

I'd say - if you enjoy the feeders - pull them April - May - early June, and again September - October.

Good luck and happy spring!

OH - one last comment - LI - as fellow rez of "the island" - which should have been renamed DEER Island - I have to respectfully disagree that the deer herd was dealt with appropriately. On any given day we still have high numbers of deer dining on our property - we have no vegitation on our 2.5 acres of land because the deer see to it to trimming everything in sight!

We are connected via land bridge - so the deer have all the access they need. Thats always a funny sight - my kids and their friends LOVE watching the deer cross the bridge! Maybe we need a drawbridge that can be lfted whenever the deer start up the road to crossover! Oh wait - nevermind they can swim!!
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