Thread: Bears...
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Old 04-17-2007, 04:49 PM   #30
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Default It really all comes down to safety

Originally Posted by wildwoodfam
One of the comments made earlier, best serves my point - "when wildlife gets into the proximity of humans, precautions need to be taken." There was a time - not so long ago ( I recall this time and I am only 40 ) that MUCH of lake winnipesaukee's shoreline was relatively natural - sure there were camps, some pretty big ones - but there was still a natural surrounding which provided wildlife and "man" plenty of places to co-exist. MAN has moved in - not vice a versa. Let's be clear on that point. Wildlife has not encroached, man has. Wildlife is only doing what it naturally does - it doesn't know that it isn't supposed to visit your condo or your bird feeders, it doesn't know that "private community" or "no solicitors" means, stay out!
Ok so maybe I didn't word myself technically correct here. But to tell you the truth I am less worried about who was where first. My concern always is the safety of both the animal and the human. Which is why I always advocate working with Fish and Game in these situations. As I mention in an earlier post:

"My advice to you folks is to work with the Fish and Game officers, they will guide you along the way and have the ability if deemed absolutely necessary to relocate the bear."

I grew up vacationing in some very wild areas out west, and have lived with snakes, badgers, bears, etc. all around. And well I don't believe in needlessly killing them, occasionally it is necessary to take actions such as relocating them to less populated areas. Of course before things like relocation are resorted to, people need to try work on the issues that are keeping the animals around. But lets face it SAFTY OVERRULES WHO WAS WHERE FIRST EVERY TIME, the last thing I want to hear is that a bear has been hanging around and someones child is playing in their back yard and gets attacked.... Animals and people can co-exist but we have to have some common sense, and my sense tell me that if a bear is in a Condo development in a area like Laconia then is need to be relocated. Lets face it animals by nature want nothing to do with man, and when wild animals are willing to come close to man then we have a safety issue....

Now if someone wants to tell me that an animals rights are more important then the safety of a person, and especially the safety of kids, I welcome the argument.............It is unfortunate that the human race has developed the world to the point we have, but we have, and now we have to deal with the issues that are here..... as unpleasant as they might be.
Life is about how much time you can spend relaxing... I do it on an island that isn't really an island.....
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