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Old 03-20-2007, 09:17 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by Woodsy
Its obvious from your post that you are in favor of a speed limit bill....
Actually Woodsy, you'd be wrong. I used to be for it but some of the opinions posted here helped changed my mind. I agree that the absence of high-speed accidents demonstrates that a 45 mph speed limit is unjustified.

I may have changed my mind but I'm not a Kool Aid drinker. I understand the safety concerns that many express and won't disregard or insult them. I must say that some of the anti-speed limit posters here and elsewhere really come off as arrogant and selfish and some of their arguments are just nonsense (IMHO).

But geez Woodsy, it doesn't take much for you to get up on your soap box and regurgitate the same old hyperbole. Give it a rest! It looks like you are the one getting emotional.

My only point was that there are some convincing arguments that can be made against a speed limit. I just think that "discrimination" and "freedom" are not effective ones.
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