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Old 03-19-2024, 07:18 AM   #129
Lake Winnipesaukee Assoc
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Default HB1301: relative to wake surfing on public bodies of water

HB 1301, relative to wakesurfing on public bodies of water

This bill proposes that any group of 25 residents or property owners will be able to petition the department of safety (DOS) to restrict or prohibit wake surfing on a public water body, or a portion thereof, pursuant to a petition and hearing process.

*Note that this does not mean 25 people can restrict an area just by petition. The petition goes to DOS and through the formal hearing process*

Public Hearing: 01/10/2024
Executive Session: 03/13/2024
Committee Report: Without Recommendation 03/13/2024 (Vote 10-10)

The first vote in committee was to ITL this bill, stating concerns about waterbodies being in public trust, and the available resources of DOS. After more discussion, the motion of ITL failed (10-10)

*Note that in order for a bill to pass to the full house with a recommendation from the committee (OTP, ITL, Refer to Interim Study, or OTP with amendment) there cannot be a tie*

After the ITL failed there was a motion OTP with amendment, that failed (10-10). Lastly, a motion of OTP as originally written failed (10-10). This bill now goes to the full house with no recommendation from the committee.

ITL= "Kill the Bill"
OTP= Ought to Pass
The Lake Winnipesaukee Association (LWA) is a non-profit organization dedicated to protecting the water quality and natural resources of Lake Winnipesaukee and its watershed. Through monitoring, education, stewardship, and science guided approaches for lake management, LWA works to ensure Winnipesaukee’s scenic beauty, wildlife habitat, water quality and recreational potential continues to provide enjoyment long into the future.
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