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Old 03-16-2024, 07:37 PM   #35
John Mercier
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Originally Posted by Descant View Post
Financial catastrophe?
How many ads on TV saying we'll cut your debt in half, you won't owe the IRS, and of course, Joe will cancel your student loans. Cancel. Not pay.
Financial catastrophe may be self-induced because we don't teach financial self control.
I was thinking more about the young person that has a job, and a vehicle... but no real savings.

Our children have always had me to fall back onto regardless on education, housing, or medical situations. But not everyone has that.
Those individuals when provided temporary help can overcome the obstacle... but without it may drift.

I know when I was first starting out, and things were a bit easier back then, I had to ride a motorcycle for several years while I went to school and needed transportation to get to better employment opportunities during my down time. Had I been in an accident, though insurance on the motorcycle would cover others... the motorcycle was second hand several hundred dollars and not really worth the insurance investment. The loss of time at work, medical bills, and anything else that added to the situation could have place a great burden on me.

I was lucky. Saved and earned enough to purchase a car... got rid of the motorcycle... lowered my risk, and increased my social standing that gave me a leg up in employment advancement.

Since I do not drink, smoke, have tatoos or piercings, and don't have pets... my journey was not easy... but less stressful that it might have been otherwise.

But even when we look to the people with homes that we consider ''stable''; we are discovering that FiST Scores and overall savings are not even close to adequate.

But I doubt the homeless have much IRS debt or heavy student loans... their financial catastrophe when it occurs is more in line with things like their apartment burning down with all their belongs and no means to get recovery.
Those individuals with the right help recover... but it takes time... and they need to dissolve themselves of past persuasions.
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