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Old 02-27-2024, 10:02 AM   #67
Lake Winnipesaukee Assoc
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Default HB1390 Update

On March 6th, an important bill regarding wakesurfing will be heard by the House Resources, Recreation and Development Committee.

HB 1390: an Act relative to regulating wakeboating and wakesports.
Public Hearing: 03/6/2024 1:00 pm NH State House, Representatives Hall
Committee: House Resources, Recreation, and Development
LWA Position: Support

Analysis: This bill establishes prohibitions and limitations for the operation of wakeboats and their use in wakesports on public waters of the state.

The bill seeks to establish a wakesports zone as an area of a waterbody that has a minimum of 50 contiguous acres that are at least 500 feet from shore on all sides and is at least 20 feet deep.

The Lake Winnipesaukee Association strongly supports this bill because we believe the science and physical documentation is clear – the wakes generated by wake surfing are having a detrimental effect on water quality and aquatic life. To be clear, we are not against wakesurfing, or other water-related sports. We appreciate that this is a fun, family activity enjoyed by many. However, the science shows that the wakes generated by wakesurfing can cause shoreline erosion, turbidity, and present safety hazards to people and children on the shore.

The science indicates that a minimum 500 foot buffer is needed to allow the wakes generated by wake boats to dissipate in order to prevent shoreline damage.

We have created a wakesports zone map to show how little of Lake Winnipesaukee will be affected by establishment of this zone. Clicking on the map will open it in a new window where you can zoom in to a specific area of the lake. The yellow line indicates the 150 foot headway speed or no wake zone from shore. The blue line shows the 500 foot distance from shore proposed in HB1390. There's a lot of lake out there to enjoy!

The legislature anticipates a large turnout for the hearing, which is why it is being held in Representatives Hall. If you can be there in person on March 6th to sign in your support of the bill, the better!

You can submit your comments and position in two ways:

1. Attend the hearing, and sign up in support on the forms on the table just inside the hall. You may also indicate that you want to speak in favor of the bill. Your remarks should be 3 mins and speak to how the bill will have a positive impact on water quality and the environment, and potential negative impacts if not passed.

2. Use the remote sign in form to also share your support for this bill:
Step 1. Fill in your personal information
Step 2. Select the date of the hearing
Step 3. Select the bill
Step 4. Indicate your support and upload your testimony.
Step 5. Review and submit.

Thank You!!
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