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Old 01-07-2024, 12:21 PM   #69
John Mercier
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Originally Posted by RUGMAN View Post
I agree, it may not be called a view tax on your tax bill, but to be on the water with a view, you pay more ( a lot more) i am on the water and the house behind me pays a 1/4 of what I pay, would not have it any other way. The problem I have is I pay for the current value of my house, if I was to sell. If your not planning on selling to get that value, you are stuck.
As I stated. Plant a bunch of bushes between the house and the waterfront. Once the ''view'' is gone... if the assessment doesn't go down... then it isn't about the ''view''.

Waterfront is assessed more than non-waterfront... it is about the waterfront.
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