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Old 12-04-2023, 12:11 PM   #155
John Mercier
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Because the State cannot mandate that a school spend more than its adequacy grants... the was the basis for the current lawsuit.

So if a school is expending $16000 per student, and the adequacy grant is $4100... the school is expending $11900 more per student and any additional grants are used to offset the $11900

The extra $11900 either represents a ''want''... athletic teams/etc... or an unfunded mandated from the State.

Even if we were to use the ~$7300 that the judge proposed... there are no traditional public schools in NH that expend below that.

NH uses sales and income taxes to finance most of the State government...
Fees cover specific areas.

We traditionally focused the sales and income taxes to promote productive uses in NH. Even the D&I was originally introduced to promote investment in NH by making those investments not subject to the tax. That was found unconstitutional, and the tax instead of being repealed went broad. The opposite of what was intended.

But outcomes are variable.
Overall NH ranks fourth highest in reading, so even a school ranking toward the bottom of NH probably ranks very well nationally.
And a school like Moultonborough, ranking in the top 20% for NH (above the mean) would be in the very top nationally.
The same thing would happen in math.
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