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Old 09-09-2023, 04:58 PM   #4
Cobalt 12
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Originally Posted by dmjr View Post
I am just taken back how the attitude of people this summer has been at its worst.

This afternoon I had to goto Meredith.

I pulled into Hannafords, found a parking spot. I happened to make it before the other person. As I was walking into the store the individual then yelled a few choice words to me from their vehicle and gave me a hand gesture.

Is this the new normal thing to do now?
Absolutely that is the NORM. Today's society is terrible and it has and has been moving into New Hampshire for quite some time. Maybe in your own small circle of life, things might be ok. But in today's world it's terrible. And it is only going to get worse never better. The CHINESE COVID DISEASE has ruined our planet for the remaining time YOU/I/US have on it. It is like that everywhere.
New Hampshire is one of the 4 best states to live in. HOWEVER, it has and is changing to trash along with the Country. Just much slower but you see it more and more every single day, in all walks of life in NH now.

Common sense is dead, manners are dead, politeness is dead, and it's the Damn Politics that is continuing the spiral downwards. Caravans of Illegal aliens with be showing up more and more even in the smallest towns such as Wolfeboro, Meredith, Alton and there is nothing any of us can do about it.

So, YES IMHO, this is the " NEW NORM ". I do not believe you or I or anyone else is going to change the direction we are going in. It will get worse before it implodes. I'm old, been around along time and truly believe I will be gone off this earth before it does. What bothers me to NO end is my Grand Children will be paying the piper for what's happening and they have no part of it now.
Dmjr, I hope I'm wrong and didn't ruin your day, But you asked !! May GOD Bless you and your family, Our Country, but we have been seeing this coming year after year after year.
I am a Realist and this is how I see our planet now.
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