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Old 08-21-2023, 01:51 PM   #8
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Not really a complaint, just a reminder that there are a lot of rocks in this lake, just below the surface. And it's not a good thing to hit them going 30 mph.

I was in a small row boat, with a little motor on it fishing just to the left (west) of the black over white markers at the main entrance of Center Harbor. We were stationary.

While we were fishing a very new 22 or so foot pontoon boat was cruising along lined up to enter Center Harbor to the west of us, through the submerged rocks about 100 feet behind us, not even close to the channel. So I waved to him and pointed to the right (east) of my boat, for him to get into the channel. He decides to turn further left (west) and continue toward crashing into the rocks. So I stood up, waved my arms cross fashion, over my head. The guy sees me and stops about 50 feet away from me. I point to the right (east) and make a go through the channel motion to him. He finally understands that he was about to crash, turns and slowly goes by me without a thank you, a wave, or even eye contact. I suppose I embarrassed him in front of his 2 buddies, but whatever, it was still better than having to rescue them.

He was about the 8th boat I've stopped from hitting those rocks. Be careful out there and use a chart or better yet a chart plotter.
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