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Old 04-14-2023, 06:36 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by TiltonBB View Post
I would respectfully disagree.

In the smaller towns a local police force becomes familiar with the local problems. They know the neighborhoods and the residents. Often, the members of the police department have grown up in the towns they protect and have an even greater desire to serve their hometown than a new resident would. Many towns give residents preference or require new appointments to the police department to become residents if they do not already live in the community.

That familiarity is one thing that even the big cities are trying to encourage so that people feel comfortable talking to the police about their issues. Some cities have increased walking beats to create more interaction with the public. It helps communication and promotes the "If you see something, say something" efforts to reduce crime.

In these days of "defund the police" the personal relationships with citizens will help to rebuild the respect for police and the rule of law that seems to be diminishing.
I agree. We may need to change how some police departments are run and how officers are trained, and we may need to fire corrupt and/or abusive officers more quickly, but we all benefit from a good local police force
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