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Old 01-23-2023, 08:46 PM   #47
John Mercier
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Originally Posted by Woodsy View Post
I stand corrected... Thank you!

4 total accidents where speed may have been a factor, but only 1 accident over the actual speed limit and it involved an 18' bass boat, not a go fast boat.

Hundreds of thousands of hours annually boated on just Winnipesaukee, probably well over 1 million hours collectively since after the law was passed... and we have exactly 1 accident! Hardly a cause for alarm or a law.

Now we don't know all the details of said accident, fishing boat saw kayak but not swimmer? How far away from the kayak was the swimmer? There is no doubt in my mind it was 100% negligent operation on the boat driver, (I would guess he was into the 150' bubble) and although speed might have been a factor, it was not the primary cause.

The law does not signify a specific type of vessel. And only one accident with over one million hours since the law was passed would signify that the law may be working.

It would need to be compared to a time prior to the laws enactment, or should it be changed the period after the enactment to determine its effectiveness.

If the results before the law, or after a change, are the same or improved... then the law would be deemed to not have been effective.

It is really insignificant, since the vote is unlikely to change.
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