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Old 09-14-2022, 08:58 PM   #62
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Originally Posted by XCR-700 View Post
No love for electric cars here, they are NOT clean, contrary to popular belief. And when they soon start charging astronomical fees to dispose of them when the batteries die, no one will be happy.

Our society now looks at most things in very short time-frame terms, so electric cars look good to some who trad in their cars every 3 or 4 years, but in reality the sad truth is that the critical cradle to grave aspects of battery cars are not better than gasoline from an environmental perspective. Right now there are more outright lies being published about this industry than truths. Make no mistake about it, the motivation behind electric cars is not environmental, its about money, BIG money. And the key investors are going to be beyond anything we have seen wealthy.

Maybe someday if they can invent a common metals battery it might get better, but for now they are a combination of novelty and abomination. Toys for the rich or boat anchors for the working man depending on what you can afford.

Passages cars should be the last form of transportation we touch in any legitimate effort to improve the environment.

And the idea that we could ever produce enough battery cars to meet our needs is ridiculous. You would have to excavate an area on the order of the White Mountains leveled to the ground to mine enough raw ore to make all those batteries.

So if I have lead you to think in any way I harbor any fondness for this madness, my apologies, I can assure you I look upon battery cars with great disdain. They are one of the biggest scams perpetrated on the public since the fluoridated water nonsense.
Weird how you go into a diatribe every time someone mentions EVs. And doubly funny that you think any of us would take you for an environmentalist...

I simply opined that an accomplished competitive driver would love to take a spin in a Tesla--just for fun
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