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Old 07-13-2022, 01:13 PM   #95
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Originally Posted by Descant View Post
Many years ago, I worked at a seasonal lakes region restaurant. The staff at area restaurants all talked to each other about favorite and less favorite customers who frequented several places in the area. Some got great service, and some had staff arguing about who had to wait on that party, suggesting that with poor service, maybe they'd go elsewhere. Sounds like some of the posters in this thread are on one of those lists, always getting great service or always being disappointed.
That still goes on today I am sure.... I have always been a very good tipper, and most times have no issues with the waitstaff itself....

In regards to Scott O's establishment, I got very frustrated at the time because he had segregated his dinning area's keeping families in one part of the restaurant and also having a "kid" free zone.... Having to wait to get a seat for me and my Son, while seeing plenty of open tables, didn't sit well with me.... The staff didn't make that rule, so I didn't take it up with them.... My well behaved kids and I shouldn't suffer because other have not so well behaved kids....

The common man, as stated, no real issue with the staff persay.... Pricing and inconsistent meals drove me away....
Life is about how much time you can spend relaxing... I do it on an island that isn't really an island.....
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