Thread: Rock Bass - WTH
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Old 06-14-2022, 04:13 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Grant View Post
You speak the truth. Geese reproduce like mad, and they poop like it's their job. In fact, it is their job.

I spend most of the year down in Pennsylvania, and if Lake lovers could see what geese have done to our lakes down here, we'd be taking drastic measures to get rid of them NOW. As a diver, I've seen the insane growth of algae blooms and the loss of visibility--two "visible" indicators of their impact on water quality.

As for the rock bass...way back when, circa 2002-2004, I posted some photos of rock bass on the Lady of the Lake wreck in Gilford, and loads of folks jumped in, claiming there were no rock bass in the Lake. A state biologist later confirmed. Check out the video below -- it's from a barge wreck in Alton Bay, shot in Sept 2020. When I first dove it about ten years ago, there were mostly smallies on the wreck. Now the rock bass are as thick as black flies in May. (See if you can spot the smallies and the nice yellow perch.)
You know it's funny you mention PA. When I saw my first resident goose many years ago I thought how cute. My neighbor told me to get rid of them, that we absolutely did not want them around. She was from Pa. and told me they have literally destroyed lakes down there. Once I saw their poop I knew what she meant. As you said, that is their job for sure. I can't believe how much they manufacture!! It's bad on the land, but think what the lake must look like.
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