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Old 03-17-2022, 02:05 PM   #58
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Originally Posted by Seaplane Pilot View Post
What's this "Called You Out" nonsense? You always give the impression that you're right, everyone else is wrong, and that your word is gospel. FAKE NEWS!
This is circular. When I make comments, they're based on reasoning using data and science and information from as bias-free-as-possible sources. From there, I expect to have discussions with others who see different solutions.

You, as I AND OTHERS have pointed out, use clearly biased foundations on which to make your comments.

So, here goes (again): DST changes are leading to talks about later school start times that unbiased, reliable data has shown to be beneficial.

Secondarily, are teens becoming lazy? Not the ones I work with and know. But they are spending more time on activities, sports, and "chosen" jobs in an attempt to improve their college acceptance/scholarship opportunities rather than just outright work tons of hours at all hours.

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