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Old 11-29-2021, 09:16 PM   #13
John Mercier
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But the dates will not be changed.

Should they lose the lawsuit, all workers that do not meet the standard will be forced to stay home without pay until such time that they do meet the mandate.

So if they lose, the workers will either have to have the J&J... and go without pay for three weeks... making up all employee premiums when they return to work... or they will have the option to use Pfizer/Moderna but will go six weeks after the first shot.

Same thing happens for the OSHA mandate... after January 4th, they will need to mask and test weekly out of their own pocket or get the vaccination according to the above schedule with either masking and testing until reaching full vaccination, or sitting home without pay.

The Stay will have an immediate appeal to the 8th... and the battle will go to SCOTUS.

But a loss puts the workers in a worse position than they currently are.
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