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Old 10-06-2021, 02:06 PM   #306
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Default Bias?

Christian Science Monitor beat them all for straightforward non-bias. They make the case for smallwe outfits that are not more left or right as suggested above. Unfortunately, the business model didn't work as well. Newspapers in general have their $$ problems, and want to be sensational to get readers, as do the TV networks. I watch both Fox and MSNBC. Of late, the reporting is amazingly similar, although each has some obvious slant in who they invite for guests. Politicians appear to refuse interviews from the opposition network resulting in self-made bias. At least Fox and MSNBC are pretty open. ABC, CBS and NBC, which I watch less frequently, seem to just sneak it in and pretend it's all news. Remember, we're just talking news here. The evening commentator shows are not pretending to be unbiased, so you (should) know what you're getting..
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