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Old 10-05-2021, 09:46 AM   #275
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Default Unemployment benefits

Originally Posted by baygo View Post
The restaurant industry has provided interim employment to a significant percentage of people all through time. With such a large number of health care, law enforcement, first responders. Etc… being fired due to vaccine reluctance, restaurants may soon experience a surge in applicants.
If you're fired for lack of Vax, can you collect unemployment benefits? I see a mix of masked and unmasked in restaurant staff. "official guidance" seems to be more confusing than helpful, regardless of location or occupation. If potential workers don't get jabbed, will they wear a mask? The groups you mention, health care, LEO, first responders, are largely union. Will this impact their availability to collect benefits from their unions? I've always been a worker, not an employer, so my knowledge in this area is minimal.
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