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Old 09-21-2021, 10:21 AM   #80
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Originally Posted by XCR-700 View Post
Or maybe I should not engage in conversations with closed minded, intolerant, authoritarian, and totalitarian minded people.

Well its one option ;-)

I suppose it comes down to perspective and values and rights.

Some will always value freedom of choice over safety and other concerns. And most of them will live with their mistakes to be sure they can continue being able to make independent decisions about matters they consider important.

Others will always seek the warm blanket of conformity. (Well usually right up to the point when it doesn't go their way,,,)

Then there are some people who will always just want it their way, and too bad for the other guy. And they will seek to impose their standards on others regardless if they practice such standards themselves,,,

Its a diverse world to say the least.

Its a shame some have such little respect for the other persons desire to make decisions about their health for themselves.

Its a shame so many live in such fear; NH official COVID deaths Sept 20 2021 = 1, and a 7 day average of 2.
I have no problem with people making their own life choices when it doesn’t affect me. That’s not the case with this virus. Not sure why you think your freedom to choose supersedes my freedom to live virus free. Sounds pretty totalitarian to me.

You frequently insinuate that people who are concerned about the virus are living in fear. There is rational fear and irrational fear. Being concerned about a global pandemic is rational. Fearing that the National Guard is going to be deployed to drag people from their homes to be vaccinated is irrational.

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