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Old 08-11-2021, 11:02 PM   #293
John Mercier
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He asked me what it was when government and business ally.
He knew what he was posturing about... just thought by not using the word that he inferences would not be understood.

By the way, Operation Warp Speed really did nothing.
The science could not be sped; and Pfizer... the first out... only got a pre-order should it produce an effective vaccine. It did not get funding prior.

So even without Operation Warp Speed, Pfizer would have produced the vaccine, met the EUA requirements (actually exceeded them by quite a bit) and sold the vaccine.
Without the pre-buy, it would have simple meant the US had to wait in a line ahead of others. But since the vaccine requires unique distribution... most other countries would not, and still cannot, effectively use the supply available.

Neither political party gets credit...

There was no ''long store'' of the vaccine. And an EUA is not that unique, they also did for the 2009 Swine Flu pandemic... though no vaccine was developed, some of the tech used for this one was.

As for the FDA under the last Administration, it also issued an EUA for HCQ, and had to later revoke that one.

The law change in 2013 made the difference on how many different items received EUA during this emergency.

Both parties took the time to realize in 2013 we needed a faster approach to a pandemic, and during this one... both parties - depending on which was sitting in power - have worked against getting the vaccines into arms.

Thanks to the scientists, not so much the politicians.
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