Thread: Vaccinations
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Old 02-28-2021, 07:59 AM   #234
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Originally Posted by smith point boater View Post
Sue - As with the first shot we both had sore arms (at injection site ) about 12 hrs later. It lasted less than 24 hrs for me. On the 2nd shot my wife had some muscle pain near her hip (not a pull or strain) overnite. She took 2 Ibuprofin and it went away by mid day Wednesday.

We had heard many varying reaction stories - all true. 2 daughter in laws in their 30's (they are in the medical field) had much harsher reactions. Feel we were lucky to get away with minor issues both times. I've read the reaction is worse the younger you are. We are 66/65. Whatever it is its worth it - 2 more weeks and we'll be as protected as we can be.

FYI We waited 24hrs and are on the road to Florida for a long awaited trip

Good luck with yours
Reading this does not give me that warm and fuzzy feeling! I had the first shot 28 days ago and had no reaction at all. The second shot is at noon today so we shall see........

I am picking someone up at the airport at 2:30 PM. Maybe I should tell them to take an Uber and come home and go back to bed.
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