Thread: Vaccinations
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Old 02-28-2021, 07:15 AM   #233
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Originally Posted by CK5 Truck View Post
IDK how old most of you are here, but it seems most want the shot but seem to be nervous about when they will be able to get it. I have a customer who is a Phizer executive and this is what he has explained to me, MOST of this whole thing is political, yes people have died and that is serious, this vaccine that everyone was in a hurry to get out was actually ready 3 weeks BEFORE the election, BUT the political powers that be kept it delayed so ***** wouldnt get any positive press. Even more sinister than that is he says there are no less than 6 drug therapies available and have been available, but if your diagnosis is COVID 19 your Dr was not allowed to prescribe it, the diagnosis had to be something along the lines of upper respiratory infection. This is absolutely TRUE as I had a particularly horrible case of COVID in the beginning and and it took me describing to my Dr I think Im dying that she changed my diagnosis to upper respiratory infection where I received one of the Rx and within 48 hrs I was back to my normal self even though the Rx was 4x a day for almost a month. Ive never worn a mask throughout and I have never been sick since. If anyone reading this gets COVID (bad case) ask to have diagnosis called upper resperatory infection so you can be treated or esle get a new Dr. Playing politics with peoples lives is just plain evil.
It's so weird how even the UK is in on the conspiracy since, well, they only approved it 10 days earlier with a much shorter evaluation process that was, in fact, criticized by many.

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