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Old 02-19-2021, 07:23 AM   #77
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Originally Posted by Don McWhirter View Post
This will be short but sweet and it has a happy ending. In the Spring of 2017 I was tipped off by a staff member at Camp Belknap . I was told the director of the camp had the sewage lagoon emptied into the surrounding land. I found this to be true and called the Sub Surface Division of the DES. They were to send an inspector out. When I didn’t hear from them I called again. I was informed they called the camp and were told there was maintenance being done on the pipes. Months later I reported the incident to the Lake Winnipesaukee Association. They put the lagoons on a watch list. As I said happy ending, the camp installed two new septic systems thanks to the Lake Winni Assoc. As for the stomach viruses and conjunctivitis outbreak, they were all reported to me and others by camp employees. It really is about the money not the kids at Belknap.
Hmm.... so first of all what would entice a "staff member" to casually drop this information on you? This makes zero sense, or were you just fishing for dirt on the camp? Now this allegedly occurred in the spring time as per your own admission, the camp states they were doing maintenance. Stands to reason this was being done well before any kids arrived and how do you know for certain that what was drained out of those pipes was even the grey water that the pools actually contain? BTW grey water is NOT raw sewage. Do you think that MAYBE it is possible and more or less likely that the pipes indeed did need maintenance or just a check prior to operation? Moreover what was allegedly drained out of them was not grey water but rather regular potable water which was put into them to say I don't know pressure test them? Since you didn't see first hand what happened your observation and conclusion is likely incorrect thus the reason why there was no action by DES who far as everyone else on the planet knows takes this stuff very seriously. IF an investigation was warranted I'm sure they would have conducted one and shut that place down if there was indeed a problem. Outrage due to ignorance does not, on your part or Mr. Owen's, construe illegal activity by the camp, town, DES or state.
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