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Old 02-18-2021, 02:49 PM   #72
Randy Owen
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Default Camp Belknap horrific sewage dup into lake winnipesaukee

Originally Posted by Randy Owen View Post
there is specific official nh action and investigation in process

thank you
the photo with black pipes is where they would just drain the lagoon whenever it filled up. (the winnie shores letter addresses this well) the photos with the white pipes and precast chamber shows the area where under the direction of seth kassels the excavator operator just breached the lagoon. the photo with the ice show the abrupt level change where the sewage levels were at the day before. these pond are quite large. these was THOUSANDS OF GALLONS as the drop was several feet and a horrific dump into the lake. this is the season with specific correlation to kids or camper illness and seth's wife refuses to answer questions about and offer records of proof otherwise

now i know some are frustrated with my passion and this lengthy thread. but apart and aside the reader needs to know. we swim here. hell the parents need to know. if ever he would to deny this as intentional and lie once again and call it a mistake (which it wasn't) seth kassels marched those kids right into that water. these effluents last of years not weeks. this is shameful of him. those poor innocent kids!!!! now his wife refuses medical records or perhaps seth won't let her

thank you all for your concern and attention
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