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Old 12-03-2020, 08:09 AM   #157
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Here's a Barry Goldwater for President, from 1964, political tv advertisement with Nikita Khrushchev, age 60?, speaking very aggressively and defiantly in Russian at the Unites Nations, or somewhere, shouting out: "We will bury you" ...... and ...... "Your children will be communists" ..... visually intertwined with American children walking into a classroom to salute the Flag. .... "A classic presidential campaign advertisement for Barry Goldwater featuring Nikita Khrushchev..."

(Oh well, despite my repeated tries, cannot get this You Tube link to work here?)

November 3, 1964 presidential election results:

Lyndon Johnson, age 56, got 486-electoral votes, 61.7% of the popular vote with 43.127 million votes.

Barry Goldwater, age 55, got 52-electoral votes, 38.5% of the popular vote with 27.175 million votes.

Only six of the 50-states: South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Arizona (Goldwater's home state where he was a senator) went with "AU-H2O in 64" ... a real bumper-sticker ...... too bad for Senator Barry Goldwater ..... who was actually a very good tennis player and went on to become something of a tennis star in the U.S Senate.
... down and out, liv'n that Walmart side of the lake!

Last edited by fatlazyless; 12-04-2020 at 05:09 AM.
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