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Old 09-03-2020, 10:51 PM   #77
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Ok, then figure out how to not throw out the bathwater as the baby may need to be washed,,, Try other solutions than the standard pass a law and restrict it strategy.

How about synthetic lawns, I understand they are all the rage in water challenged areas. No need to water, fertilizer, mow, weed, and ducks cant eat it.

We always seem to force matters into all or nothing situation and then you invariably get push-back, next the restrictions start and then the bypass begins because people always want what you cant have. Look at the rampant problems with illegal fireworks in Massachusetts because they are totally outlawed. Same thing with gun limits, the more you add restrictions, the more people want them. And lets not forget the battle about sport boats in NH, start layering on restrictions and all you get is a battle.

Find a better path, it works better.

Restrictions better be justified by an undeniable and imminent life threatening consequence AND be very obvious or you will not get the widespread support you need in the form of compliance.

There are always options.

And you also need to consider that many of us believe the planet is here for us to use, NOT ABUSE, but use, and with use comes some acceptable wear and tear and impact, so find that middle ground or buckle up for a battle.
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