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Old 09-03-2020, 10:16 PM   #76
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Originally Posted by XCR-700 View Post
I think you have it right and wrong.

The right part is the piece about status and impressing others and all for the 3 months and half dozen trips they make a year.

The wrong part, is the regulation and penalties. In my opinion, you will not stop the problems with regulation and penalties, and more regulation and penalties usually only irritate your potential supporters, especially for the people who do believe generally in the live free, or die values.

If the problem you are trying to fix is too many lawns and associated fertilizer, then you need to convince people something else is the new in thing and better option.

Sell your belief or idea, don't force it, you get better results.
I don't like my suggestion either. But selling people on ripping out their lawns, or letting them go to nature, or not planting them in the first place just isn't going to work. Look around, is it working now?

Frankly, many of these folks are going to look at you like you're crazy - if they even listen at all. They already know what they are doing is wrong but they look away. You aren't going to get them to the free one hour talk about lake health at the local community center. They aren't reading environmental newsletters or websites and I doubt they know what their landscaper is putting on their lawns. Heck, they probably aren't even here. I just don't see a working formula that scores significant results by simply convincing people through education and dialogue that they are better off sacrificing personally for the benefit of the lake. I'm not suggesting that education isn't valuable. Only that it isn't going to resonate with a large majority of property owners on or near the lake.

I'm not sure my suggestion works but I'm convinced simply selling ideas doesn't. The heavily used lake results in complex problems that require widespread solutions. There are too many people with singular motivations that are rotating in and out of here each and every year. This is all too much for just selling and education.
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