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Old 09-03-2020, 07:30 PM   #73
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Default Vanity

Originally Posted by LIforrelaxin View Post
I laugh as my neighbors put in lawns.... even more so when I see that they then higher a landscaping firm to come mow it so they don't have to..... Mean while next year I am planning to aquire 5 yards or so of course sand to spread around, and cover up some new roots that are becoming tripping hazards....
This is all about vanity. A big, sunny, green, fertilized, weedless lawn, probably maintained by someone else, and likely surrounding a large house used a month or two out of the year is equated with status. Fact is, people care more about impressing others than they do about the lake's health. I believe people purposefully avoid connecting these two ideals. They compartmentalize each and conveniently conclude that they can have both. We talk about educating people but does anyone really feel that education is the answer? Mostly, I think, it'll take more extreme measures - regulations and penalties - to get the larger population to listen. I'm sure that will go over great in the Live Free or Die state.
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