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Old 08-16-2020, 07:07 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by XCR-700 View Post
Not a big jet ski person, but the thoughts of an electric anything motor boating is so depressing to me.

I LOVE the sound and the vibration of the motor, its part of the experience.

You become one with the machine, I can feel when an engine hits its sweet-spot, and like riding a horse as it transitions from trot to gallop to full run, feeling the engine accelerate through its RPM range is just thrilling.

When we all ran pre-mix and "white gas" (or any good gas before the change to unleaded) I LOVED the smell of an outboard and a marina. I smelled and sounded like FUN.

Boating with and electric motor might be fine for a tour boat, but for anything I would feel like some major fun part was missing, and for a personal watercraft it would seem doubly so. Like trying to sell a Harley rider on an electric motor, just dont see that taking off.

But then the way the world is going, my guess is that if they can add a booming sound system and selfie camera, then it will probably be a hit.
All the more a hit when the manufacturers add fake engine and exhaust sound systems. You’ll never hear the difference. Maybe they’ll also add some scent diffusers to give you that heady marina smell.
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