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Old 06-28-2020, 07:35 AM   #325
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Originally Posted by MAXUM View Post
There are several methods of spread, person to person via water droplets is just one means of transmission.

Far as the mask debate that no doubt will rage till the end of time. As our lead doctor has told me as I asked him straight up out of genuine concern for my own family - some of who are at high risk. What does the data thus far show? He told me the science is pretty consistent on this and several ongoing studies continue to trend in this way. He explained it in this way which I think is brilliant for those of us who are not doctors or scientists. You head out to the beach on a bright sunny day with a high UV index. Wearing a mask is as effective as wearing a little bit of sunscreen expecting that will prevent you from getting sunburned. He said that is assuming that everyone was wearing a mask made of the correct material and wearing it correctly. All you have to do is go out in public and see this is not the case.

Is there some benefit? Sure but don't be fooled into thinking this is terribly effective as it is not.

One thing that is undisputed at this point is this thing is highly contagious so exposure to it and spread will not stop and the increase in confirmed cases should be expected but not feared. The fatality rate of this continues to drop and thankfully the acuteness of this as it spreads continues to trend downwards. Unfortunately fear of getting this with the notion it is a death sentence is far more destructive than the virus itself.
I’m curious, what is the lead doctors advice? Does he suggest opening everything up fully, no masks, no 6’ distance? Does he recommend proper mask use to minimize spread and/or limiting crowds? Does he recommend proper n95 mask use to help prevent catching the virus?

Last edited by Garcia; 06-28-2020 at 11:41 AM. Reason: Spelling error
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