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Old 04-20-2020, 07:00 PM   #54
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Originally Posted by trackeer View Post
So, we went to work on the house at the lake from Nashua 04/18, went did our stuff came back home, no stops, here's what we saw Motorcycles everywhere (I also Ride), out of state plates, for the most part NO one social distancing or mask. Ok, so I must admit I was somewhat taken back, truth in Nashua many folks are adhering to the program, and not for nothing, Ma is 3rd highest cases in the USA, Middlesex County being the worse, the county that borders Southern NH, where many folks pass through heading north, no offence folks, but the Boston Mayor stated he was very disappointed in those NOT following guidelines, I'm not saying it was just MA and/or out of state folks, but summer isn't here yet!
There seems to be some apathy about this virus, some don't realize when they start TRACING(Look it Up) many folks will wind up in quarantine for at least 14 days, just by association, yea the peep standing next to you, or the older folks walking by when you coughed. Not for nothing, what does rebelling or failing to do the basic 's accomplish. If you have the bug, you and all those who decided to snub the recommendations wind up in quarantine for at least 14 days (Sick or Not), that'll suck huh. Or perhaps worse, one of your loved becomes ill and perhaps draws the short straw and dies, I'm amazed, if it was that some folks who do as they wish simply hurt themselves, no big deal, but in this case reckless behavior puts many innocent folks at risk.
So, yes this truly really sucks, but here in NH we've been lucky so far, but if what we saw in Laconia stays the course that may be short lived.
Simply Wear a Mask, Stay 6 Feet Away, Wash Your Hands, treat the situation like it was a loved one your protecting or maybe it could be someone else's loved one!!!! If your from MA, NY, Ct, RI etc. have some decency and do the right thing, which is self quarantine if you plan to stay, (14 Days), or just stay home till the smoke settles.

Thanks a Concerned NH Native and Family
I've been in Meredith the past couple weekends and it's been very good. There are people out and about but for the most part they are staying far away from each other. Not everyone in wearing masks but them seem to be keeping a safe distance apart from one another.
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