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Old 04-10-2020, 01:35 PM   #64
Sue Doe-Nym
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Originally Posted by Flylady View Post
Apart from all the anecdotal sightings of fraud, the real issues where fraud has been proven the numbers as a percentage of all the registered voters is very small. Remember all the buses of MA. voters coming in to NH in 2016?

Voter ID: not every state is equal. Look at rural states in the south with predominately black populations with large numbers of citizens over 65. If the states were serious about wanting them to get "voter ID", they would waive the fee for very low income, and provide accessibility to locations where ID can be obtained. The opposite has been shown in many states. Closing of local DMV type offices, while not providing public transportation for the same. It goes on and on. Also remember that in some states (North Dakota) they actually tried to make it harder for native americans to vote by changing the rules.
As for cleaning out the voter roles of deceased people, many states just do not want to spend the time or money removing dead people from the roles. None of them have ever shown up to vote!
While it’s true that none of the dead people have ever shown up to vote 🙄
it’s probably also true that shady individuals have assumed their identities in order to steal an extra vote.
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