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Old 04-08-2020, 11:56 AM   #51
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Originally Posted by Orion View Post
+US becomes more self sufficient in manufacturing many things which...
+Creates more manufacturing jobs, which....
+Boosts the economy and tax revenues for infrastructure, social programs, and debt reduction.
Ain't gonna happen.

No matter what side you are on in the political spectrum. Manufacturing wants the least expensive labor possible. And that is not in the USA.
Those who own stocks - want the stock price higher - and dividends. With virtual no care where items are produced.

Do any reading here ever view the label on their clothing?
Korea, Indonesia, Bangladesh, China, and now Vietnam.

I seek out products Made in USA. But how many go out of their way to do this? Yes, some clothing and products are still made in USA.

Here are some tidbits.

Everything in the LL Bean catalog is made outside the USA. Everything in the LL Bean catalog is imported. The original rubber boots are still assembled in USA - from foreign parts. That's it for LL Bean. I'm old enough to remember that everything in the LL Bean catalog was made in USA.

New Balance has a real factory outlet in Lawrence, MA. And yes, a few of their sneakers are still made in Lawrence, MA. Made in USA.

A M Leonard still makes garden tools made in USA. Go to the local hardware store and you won't find any garden tools made in USA. Yet, one can still purchase all of your garden tools from a company such as A M Leonard.

Walmart. Box fans (square fans). I was in a Walmart a few times and viewed a pallet of box fans. All were made in China. But. The next month there was a pallet of box fans made in USA. Lasko brand box fans are made in USA. Amazingly the price for the China box fans and the Lasko made in USA box fans - was exactly the same. This was not a one shot deal. As I view the box fans over the years. Why doesn't Walmart purchase/sell all of the box fans that are made in USA? Walmart doesn't give a hoot about buying/selling items made in USA. Although Walmart had a multi-million advertising campaign - extolling the virtues of buying American. Next time anyone is in a Walmart store - go look at the box fans and view what county they are made in.

Number 10 white business envelopes. Walmart used to sell a box of 50 (now 40] of Mead - made in USA envelopes. Then Walmart briefly began selling number 10 white envelopes made in China. That didn't last long at Walmart as who wants to lick China glue? Anyone? So Walmart quickly switched to number 10 white envelope made in Mexico. I guess Mexico glue is better for the pallet than China glue. Yet visit any Dollar Tree store and Dollar Tree still sells the Mead - made in USA number 10 white envelopes. Why can't Walmart sell the Mead - made in USA white number 10 envelopes? Same price in both stores. And yes, some envelopes have a peal off self stickng strip.

I recently purchased a new snow blower/thrower. I sought out the brand with an engine made in USA. Sorry. All engines are now made in China or Thailand. No new snow blowers have engine made in USA.

I had the brake rotors (disks) replaced in my car and truck. No brand has rotors made in USA anymore. Can't get any. Made in China, Taiwan, or Mexico. Yes, there are some small companies that do make rotors in the USA - but all of those are for specialty use such as car racing. None for any car or pickup truck made in USA.

"Bring the jobs back" was/is he mantra. Yet few if any products have come back to the USA. I hear on the news that many of the ventilators are wait for it . . . made in China.

The list goes on. But enough for now.

How many take the time to actually seek out USA products?
Yet most will claim to want to "bring the jobs back".

Go figure !

Who wants to lick the glue on envelopes made in China?
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