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Old 03-18-2020, 09:22 AM   #73
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Originally Posted by erick26 View Post
Major I would ask that you reconsider your actions. Even if you and your friends are not concerned with getting the virus, I’ve heard the contagious factor is like an invisible wildfire so even if you have no symptoms at all you can spread it for up to 2 weeks to others. You could infect a family member or friend that could become extremely sick or even die. I know this whole thing is crazy, but I believe the numbers are much worse than reported due to lack of testing. The longer people ignore this, the longer it will drag out and potentially create full shutdowns of everything! Just my 2 cents. Thx #stayingthe’F’home

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Too late. Had an awesome time with no regrets. Went to Mass on Sunday and lunch with friends at Canoe. I have no choice now. The world has stopped. We'll invite friends over to our home to socialize.

I realize there are risks. However, personally, I think it makes sense for persons to be responsible for their own actions. If you are over a certain age, or have a compromised immune system, the responsibility should be on you to make sure you are safe. We shouldn't destroy our economy. I refuse to live in fear. Quite honestly, the government's actions and our compliance without question to the government's actions scare me way worse than the Chinese coronavirus. In the case of a real crisis, where our liberties and freedoms are at stake, will we be so compliant?

It's all about understanding and accepting risks. I've stated this before so forgive me for boring you, but last year 36,000 U.S. citizens died from the flu and nearly 500,000 were hospitalized with the flu. Each year between 20,000 and 80,000 U.S. citizens die from the flu. It is a risk that we accept, much like driving a car, which kills roughly 35,000 U.S. citizens per year. With the Chinese coronavirus, we do not understand the risks so we are unwilling to accept it and in the meantime overreacting and panicking.

For the time being, I am enjoying traveling to work on near empty roads and trains and working quietly in a near empty office.
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