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Old 03-15-2020, 09:54 PM   #78
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I don't claim to have any idea what the proper response to this is or if the whole thing is being blown out of proportion. I do worry that we are not as concerned as we should be about what this will do to the economy. A month or two of people sitting in their house will mean a severe recession and that will end up costing a lot of lives as well. Business destroyed and life savings lost will result in suicides, stress induced heart attacks, divorces..... Plunging government revenues will mean less money for other needs. (Maybe not as govt will just keep printing more) There are tradeoffs in everything. We lose tens of thousands of people a year in car accidents. We could end all of those deaths with a 10 MPH speed limit. We do not because the trade off has been judged to be not worth it.
If anything good comes from this it will be that in the end maybe people will understand that China is not our friend.
Also watching Trump in the last press conference was the first time I have seen him look exhausted. This must be taking quite a toll on him. I hope he gets some rest. He almost looked as out of it as Joe Biden on any day.
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