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Old 02-13-2020, 07:20 PM   #70
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Originally Posted by camp guy View Post
I really don't have a comment about the boat hook device, but I do want to say that many boaters arrive at the dock unprepared to make a smooth landing. The most common error I see is that boaters don't have the appropriate lines available when approaching the dock. I have seen decent-sized boats try to make a landing using 6' bow and stern lines (or less). When I was boating I always had a bow line and a stern line long enough to reach the length of the boat, and then used other, more reasonably lengthed lines to actually tie the boat to the dock. The first order of business at the dock it to get alongside the dock, safely, then worry about typing the boat to the dock. Just my two pennies worth.
Not so sure about the lines needing to be the length of the boat, with our boat at 27' plus, but I agree, too many do not have long enough lines. Mine are 25' long, but in truth I think 20' would be ok.
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