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Old 01-28-2020, 02:05 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by PCTim View Post
To answer your first question, I don't know. But, if you read the sentence before it says At this point, we advise you to only bring yourself and your hockey equipment onto the ice. which tells me A they don't want you bringing anything onto the ice and B, they probably don't want us hanging out on the ice all day if we can help it.

As far as your pipe dream? From what I've read and been told, if the conditions are close to perfect, around an inch of ice can be formed overnight. 3 nights = 3 inches. So maybe. I also heard that while there was 8-10", when the rain came through last weekend, the top 3 or 4 inches turned to slush. So, who knows? I'm not there so I don't know. As of right now I'm planning on heading up Thursday afternoon.
agreed, but at the same time they do not own the ice, as always do my/your own ice thickness checking
Capt. of the "No Worries"
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