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Old 12-12-2019, 11:44 AM   #235
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Originally Posted by Biggd View Post
As I said before, I have a house across the street from me that's rented all season with absolutely no problems for the 5 years I've been there but if I did have a problem I would take to the owner first.
She's owned the place for a long time and has weeded out the bad apples. Her tenants are the same ones every year.
Air B&B is becoming a problem all over the world but when ever something new comes along, problems have to be corrected. Cities and towns are going though the correction phase now as they are being confronted with more complaints than they were normally seeing in the past.
No one likes new laws but not everyone does what's in the best interest of everyone around them. Many people only care about what puts the most money in their pockets regardless of who it affects.
Sweeping statements. Again what is your proof short term or Airbnb Rentals are an issue "World Wide". Are there some stats you have to prove this? Along with "many" only care about what goes in their pocket. Yes being a landlord is a business but myself and owners I am familiar with are extremely responsible and care about their properties and the neighborhoods we are in. You make all landlords out to be "slumlords" which is an absolute falicy
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