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Old 10-23-2019, 09:16 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by Susie Cougar View Post
winterh is right about the quality and workmanship etc. This is one component of your home which causes it to be labeled a McMansion.
You are also right that a large house does not automatically become a McMansion. What makes it a McMansion is that it is too big for the lot that it is put on. It doesn’t fit in with the other homes around it. It just takes up too much of the available space.
Also, many people feel that it’s too big of a home for too few people. That’s where the negative connotation comes from.
So how do you know when you pass by in your boat and look at a home that you would call a "McMansion" that it has poor "quality and workmanship"? Wouldn't you need an up close look and some construction experience to determine this?

How do you know that it is "too big of a home for too few people"? How would you determine how many people live in a house?

When you make your decision have you taken attendance to determine the appropriate number of people per square foot? What is the right number of square feet per person for a house?

Just askin'
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