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Old 10-09-2019, 06:57 PM   #60
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Default ...... Aaaa-men to the Belknap homeless chain gang

While getting two new tires at the VIP auto store on Union Ave this afternoon, I got lucky and caught a rerun of the October 3, Belknap County Commissioners' meeting. It is definitely worth watching!

Did you know that by a vote of three to zero, with all the three county commissioners voting yes, the county wants to establish a Gunstock Mountain snow grooming crew that puts the homeless from Belknap House on the slopes, and grooming the snow.

Here's the plan. Anyone age 18 and older, who stays overnight at Belknap House as a homeless person will, on the next morning at 7-am, be locked into a six person chain gang and transported to the Gunstock ski slopes for 8-hours, 8am-4pm, of chain gang snow grooming where he/she uses a hand held rake, similar to a golf course sand trap rake for smoothing and shaping the ski slopes.

As a middle of the road NH Republican, I say that after they do the slopes, the chain gang should get transported to the middle of the County Complex in Laconia and do a second 8-hours of snow removal work for the county.

All those here in favor here ...... please say thank-you to the Belknap County Commissioners for instituting this new plan!

Hip hip hooray for renewing that chain gang from long gone, 60 years ago ..... it's back to the chain gang for the Belknap County homeless here in 2019 .....

Amen, and maybe some women, too.
... down and out, liv'n that Walmart side of the lake!
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