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Old 10-04-2019, 07:16 AM   #77
Dave R
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Originally Posted by radiocontester View Post
Dave you nailed it. The ocean is so much better. My first season this year was can overnight just about anywhere. I love the lake but for serious boating the ocean is the place to be.
This was our first year in a coastal slip as well. We had done quite a bit of ocean boating previously, but always in a trailered boat.

We miss or Winni friends, the warm swims, and all the close together and wonderful ports, but everything else about coastal boating is awesome. We love that we can leave our slip and make a 7000 mile loop (Great Loop + Downeast Loop) that allows for overnight stays in protected waters every night (thus the ability to wait out bad weather with ease), with only a mile of overlap.

How far did you venture from your slip? We made it as far south as the Statue of Liberty and as far west as La Salle, MI (solely due to the cruise home with the "new" boat); and as far north as Thomaston, ME this year. The only truly frightening experience was taking 8 foot breaking waves over the bow at the mouth of the Kennebec River, which was just awful. If you have not done the Maine coast yet (north and east of Portland) or Buzzards Bay/Martha's Vinyard, you are in for a treat.
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