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Old 08-22-2019, 09:59 AM   #77
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Originally Posted by Barney Bear View Post
Heading in to the mainland just southeast of Timber Island, we were approached by a boat approaching from our starboard quarter. I maintained my course since the other boat was an approaching (overtaking) vessel. When it became obvious that he was not changing his course, I reduced my speed to allow him to pass in front of us. I indicated my displeasure by giving him a thumb's down (I did have a choice of digits to use). The other boat's operator yelled that he had the right-of-way. I presume that he thought he was correct since he was approaching from our right.

There was plenty of lake behind us. He could have easily gone behind us without a change in speed. I believe that most of us would have done so. 🐻
I have seen this same scenario many times and always seem to be the one to “chicken” out from the other boat’s obvious game of chicken.
It’s like most everyone else out there thinks they have the ROW no matter what.
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