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Old 08-17-2019, 02:49 PM   #96
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Default Let's be practical

To me, a lighthouse is just not a serious proposal, for financial reasons if nothing else. However to be financially practical, I suggest the following:
the State of NH can lease rights to a commercial operation, (say, Bizer, who started this thread). We already lease antenna space on the top of Mount Washington. The commercial operator could install a motion detector or other electronic device that would trigger a warning on your cell phone (using the "operator's" app and your paid subscription) when you approach too close to the Witches. You pay a subscription fee to the operator, with the cost based on how many hazards you want to be warned away from.

I know some will scoff, but 15 years ago who had GPS/maps on their phone? How many of us will have driverless cars in the next 5 years? We already have waypoints and autopilot integrated with GPS. What's next? BTW, USCG is decommissioning lighthouses and lightships as an unnecessary thing of the past. Maybe we could buy the "Nantucket" or "Ambrose" and anchor it on Middle Ground Shoals? Spend the night, $250.00, payable to the already existing Navigation Safety Fund.
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