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Old 08-16-2019, 03:12 PM   #97
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Default Urban Compact

Originally Posted by macbeth View Post
Who gave Meredith permission to put a Pedestrian Crosswalk LIGHT up across a Major New Hampshire Highway? It almost seems not legal. Yes, pedestrians have to wait for the walk light to go at TRAFFIC LIGHTS. However this is not Traffic light, so did Meredith over step their boundaries? No dog in the fight, just a curious by-stander, not looking to use the cross walk.
I think that section of road is an "Urban Compact" where the state has ceded control to the local political subdivision (town).
While it appears the red (only) light is not a success, a full light that close to the light at the intersection creates it's own set of problems. For example, if it is pedestrian activated at either location, that increases the number of times both lights will stop traffic, (if they are properly coordinated) even if there is not a pedestrian at both locations.

I feel like there have been times when there was an officer directing traffic at the cross walk. Perhaps when the craft fair was open, and they paid for the extra detail?

If there were reason to close the intersection of Rt 3 and 25, there would be a planned detour, right? Why not sign it as a "Bypass" and remove some of the traffic?
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