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Old 08-08-2019, 09:55 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by Andromeda321 View Post
This might sound odd, but I always feel a little guilty as a pedestrian at that cross walk. Mainly because it takes a minute or two for the light to change once you press the button, and I have always had someone stop to let me cross before that happens. Then the lights always go once there is no one in the crosswalk any more!

I frankly wonder if the timer could just be shorter between the button being pressed and the lights flashing, like every other place I've ever lived with similar. It would probably cut down on a lot of the confusion.
Funny, I was meeting some friends at dockside the other day and got there too early by mistake. Thought I would take a walk up to main street but didn't because it did not seem important enough to stop all the traffic.

people stop thinking they are being polite but it causes anarchy and a huge backup on 25

no reason for a delay on the button. unless it's synched with the signal at 3/25 it might as well go red instantly; it's not like there is a yellow pre warning
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