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Old 06-30-2019, 05:36 PM   #51
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Default Insurance and out of state garaging

Most insurers handle out of state garaging for say, military, college students, snowbirds and similar. They charge the rate for where the car is at. However, if you tell the insurer the car is in Chester, NH, and it is really in Chelsea, MA (much higher rate) that is fraudulent and they could deny claims, especially for damage to the vehicle itself.
Other minor things done in good faith, like no sticker in a state that doesn't require one, are not grounds for denying a claim. If a violation were the basis for denying a claim, every accident that involved a red light or fail to yield, etc, would be grounds for denial. That would be "contrary to the public good" which is why so many states require insurance, public good.
When I was out of state (military) I used to get an inspection according to local requirements, so I had something to show if I got stopped or were in an accident. In some states, they can't put a sticker on a car registered elsewhere, but most will do the inspection and give you a receipt that says you met the local standard. I think NH allows 10 days after returning home to get a sticker, just as there is a grace period after the normal due date.
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