Thread: The Dive!
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Old 05-22-2019, 07:59 AM   #68
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Question ..... can cruise boats all just coexist?

So, how does The Dive coexist and fit in at the Flighcraft-Winni Pier docks area?

Another spot that is a possibility is way over to the right, up close with the bow of the Mount Washington. Two tenant boats could be moved somewhere else, leaving a dock space big enough for The Dive.

Concentrating the Mount Washington, Sophie C, Doris E, and The Dive all in one tight spot could be one happy group of cruise boats ...... all far away from any residential water front homes.

Believe this spot used to be home to the Winnipesaukee Queen, a 48' sailboat.

And, at the same time, resurrect the old miniature golf course in what is now that triangle shaped parking lot ..... just because it's the right thing to do ... The Dive-Mini Golf! Mini golf and The Dive would be good partners, with the two working together, with the golf as an overflow .... and at the dock spot way to the right, close to the Mount Washington ..... there's good line-of-sight vision from the tall Dive, there, to the mini golf course ..... location-location-location ..... make it a 9-hole course with coexisting 6 parking spots on the other side of a fence?
... down and out, liv'n that Walmart side of the lake!

Last edited by fatlazyless; 05-22-2019 at 09:19 AM.
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