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Old 05-17-2019, 09:24 PM   #107
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In 2009 The Mount Washington qualified to receive a federal grant of about one million dollars through the Obama Admin's - Cash for Clunkers - EPA program and replaced their two 1946 diesels with two new Caterpillar clean diesel engines with installation completed in 2010.

The old diesels were 64-years old, voluminous in size, and well known for their familiar and iconic whosh-whosh-whosh sound which has been replaced with two new 2009 yellow Cats that are very efficient but emit an unimpressive buzz sound. ..... going from the old whoosh-whoosh-whoosh to the new buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

The old engines and the new engines all make a similar wake which seems flat and smooth for a 230' ship moving along at about 20-mph. So smooth that towing a 14-year old water skier on two skis on a 75' tow with mediocre skill is a piece-o-cake!

Much like the 2003 crash of the Old Man on the Mountain, the demise of the MS Mount Washington's iconic whoosh-whoosh-whoosh sound is deeply missed by many lake area residents. Sondra Kaputnitz of Wolfeboro says she just starts to cry, every time she hears that awful buzzzzzzzzzzzz sound, cruis'n on down the lake. ....... exclaiming ...... it is just so totally dreadful! ....... awwwwggggghhhhhhh
... down and out, liv'n that Walmart side of the lake!

Last edited by fatlazyless; 05-18-2019 at 12:14 PM.
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